At Knollwood Dental Group, we understand that your smile consists of more than just your teeth. Your smile involves your gums, jaw, bite alignment, and the skin and muscles that surround your mouth. Dr. Donald Brown III is pleased to offer facial cosmetics in Mobile, Alabama, to help our patients have a beautiful, youthful smile. Our dentist has received specialized training in facial cosmetic treatments, so you can rest assured that you are getting the best care possible. If you are interested in learning how facial cosmetics can improve the appearance of your smile, we welcome you to contact us at 251-666-3982 and schedule your consultation today!
As much as some of us would like to, we cannot choose the appearance we are born with. Although our genes dictate the way we look, doctors have perfected various treatments that can actually give you the look you want! While the field of cosmetic surgery and treatments focuses on the entire body, our practice focuses on using dermal fillers to help you achieve the smile and facial features you want.
Dermal fillers are cosmetic serums that are often injected around the mouth, nose, and lips, and in the forehead. Dermal fillers work with your body’s natural ability to create moisturized, youthful-looking skin to smooth out lines, folds, and wrinkles. By smoothing lines and restoring your skins natural volume, you can achieve the youthful, appearance you want. For most dermal fillers, one injection can last up to a year, and many patients have required less serum in following visits.
Facial cosmetic treatments and dermal fillers are great options for patients who are looking to improve their smile and overall facial appearance without surgery. Our treatments are minimally invasive, and we work with you to find the facial areas that will give you the greatest results for your youthful smile.
If you would like to learn more about our facial cosmetic services, or about dermal fillers, we welcome you to call or visit our practice today. We are always happy to help!